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Süpriz [STORM] Storm Version Guncel


Uyduportal Uye
UyduPortaL Üye
17 Mar 2017
Tepkime puanı

İlk Ücretsiz ve En Esnek C # Kullanıcı Yapılandırılabilir Çatlama yazılımı

STORM, web sitesi güvenlik testi gerçekleştirmek için tasarlanmış bir kırma programıdır.

Bu programın yasadışı kullanımı için yazar sorumlu değildir.

Lütfen bir sonraki sürümde görmek istediğinizi yazara bildirin, herhangi bir öneri çok takdir edilecektir!

Lütfen hataları [at] adresine e-posta göndererek bildirin

Bu programın yasa dışı kullanımıyla ilgili yazar veya başkası sorumlu değildir, sadece siz.

STORM Hakkında:
STORM, web sitesi güvenlik testi gerçekleştirmek için tasarlanmış bir kırma programıdır.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.X
Windows 7 veya Daha Sonra

- FTP çatlama desteği!
- Bir yapılandırmada hem FTP hem de HTTP aşamalarını kullanmak mümkün
- Sınırsız aşamalar desteklenir
- Analiz etmek ve kontrol etmek, veri göndermek ve almak için hata ayıklama formu
- 20million combo listelerine kadar yükle!
- HTTP / S'yi destekler
- SOCKS4 / 5 desteği
- Otomatik güncelleme proxy'lerini destekler, yazılım otomatik olarak proxy'leri kamu kaynaklarından temizler ve bunları kullanır
- Özel değişkenler kullanarak tüm motor aşamalarının gelişmiş bir konfigürasyonuna sahiptir, bu sayede kullanıcı çok özel durumlarda motoru doğru şekilde yapılandırabilir.
- Tamamen yapılandırılabilir Anahtar Kelimeler Capture destekler (Premium hesap detayları almak için Faydalı)
- Tamamen yapılandırılabilir Form JavaScript Redirect'i destekler (premium hesap detaylarının gösterildiği sayfayı almak için yararlıdır)
- Birden fazla ek form yönlendirmesini destekler
- Gelişmiş özel Anahtar Kelimeler Eşleştirme İşlevlerini destekler
- Kodlama yöntemlerini destekler:
* URLEncode / URLDecode - Açıklama: Bir Dize Encode / Decode
* Base64 Encode / Decode - Açıklama: Base64 Bir Dize Kodlama / Kod Çözme
- Dize ile ilgili işlevleri destekler:
* Büyük / Küçük Harf - Açıklama: Üst / Alt String / Metin / Kaynak her char
* Uzunluk - Açıklama: Sağlanan Dize / Metin / Kaynaktaki karakter sayısını döndürür
* Trim / TrimStart / TrimEnd - Açıklama: Başlangıç / Bitiş veya Bir Dize / Metin / Kaynağın her iki bölümündeki Döşeme ve Değiştirme
* Değiştir - Açıklama: Bir dize / metin / kelimeyi bir dize / metin / sözcükle değiştirin
* Substring - Açıklama: Başlangıç dizini ve isteğe bağlı olarak alınacak uzunluk sağlanarak bir dize / metin ayıkla.
* CombineText - Tanımlama: Birleştir / Birden fazla dizeyi / metinleri birleştir, birleştirme emri verilen tartışmaların sırası olacak
* IndexOf - Açıklama: Bir dize / metnin taban dizinindeki dönüş dizgesi. Dize / Metin / Kaynak
* Ekle - Açıklama: Sağlanan argümanlara bir String / Metin ekle
* FindTagVal - Açıklama: İki dizeler / sözcük / metinler arasındaki metni al / Çıkar
* RegexMatch - Açıklama: Get / Extract Metin, .NET'e Dayalı Regex Deseniyle Eşleşti
* RegexMatches - Açıklama: Get / Extract Tüm Metinleri, .NET'e Dayalı Regex Kalıbına Göre Getir
-destek kripto dize yöntemleri destekler:
* MD5 - Açıklama: Bir Dize / Metni MD5'e Şifrele
* SHA - Açıklama: SHA-1 / SHA-256 / SHA-384 / SHA-512'ye bir String şifreleyin
* HMAC - Açıklama: HMC'ye bir dizi String'i çeşitli karma türleri ile şifreleyin ("MD5" / "RIPEMD160" / "SHA1" / "SHA256" / "SHA384" / "SHA512")
* PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 - Açıklama: PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256'ya bir dizgiyi şifrele
* PBKDF2-PKCS5 - Açıklama: PBKDF2-PKCS5'e bir String şifreleyin
-Diğer işlevleri destekler (daha yakında olacak):
* UnixTime - Açıklama: Geçerli Zaman Damgası İade (gibi: 1517516792.63398)
* UnixTimeToDate - Açıklama: Unix Timestamp'ı şu tarihe dönüştürür: 2/28/2018
* If - Açıklama: Boole ifadesinin değerine bağlı olarak iki değerden birini döndürür

Ve çok daha fazla fonksiyon ve özellik.


Version 1.5:

- Added 'Generate' Function! Now You can Generate Random UUIDs And Random Device IDs!
- Added 'Count' Function! Count String/Text/Word Occurrences!

Version 2.0:
- New Design/Form made from Scratch! Google's Material Design!
- Fully Responsive and Resizable Debug Form!
- HUGE Performance improvements.
- New Encryption key for Config Encryption, Note that you can still load old encrypted configs!
- Fixed Memory Leak.
- Added Database File to View Unknown List Debug Logs to prevent High Memory usage and possible crash on huge Unknown items.
Added Optimized and Smart CloudFlare 5 Seconds Challenge page Solver! Add "CFPassDelay = 5000" to the Stages that need to pass the CloudFlare (Recommended to use it in all Stages if the Host has CloudFlare Enabled)! "MaxCFRetries = xx" General config key to limit retries, Return banned when limit reached.
- Added Debug Threads option, Add "Debug = True" in "General" section of Config, Remove it before Releasing Configs as it really increase Memory Usage.
- Added Syntax Highlighting for Debugs, Including HTML and STORM Codes.
- Hits/Free Items will get Saved Immediately now.
- Amount of threads can now be decreased without STORM pausing.
- The HTTP Header field orders will be kept and will send as you provided in config, Also Set "*" for "Content-Length" header value to have it's real value wherever you want.
- Handle "IndexOf" function possible Exceptions, returns "-1" on Exceptions/Errors!
- Handle "Substring" function possible Exceptions, returns the Input string/text without any changes on Exceptions/Errors! the worker will not get stopped anymore.
- "!=" (Not Equal) function now can also compare strings/texts
- "UnixTimeToDate" on Empty or wrong Unixtime format will return nothing (No more Errors/Exceptions)

Version 2.0.1:
- Standalone Executable file.
- Added Advance Debug Logs Regarding the Functions and their Errors
- Fixed "Parsing" error message in Thread infos.
- Fixed Config Executor Debug Log shows The Proxy as Proxy Type.
- Fixed Debug Form's Crash Error (due to the Syntax Highlighting, Just disabled it!)
- Fixed Debug Form's Custom Response Setter In Page 2
- Changed the Protector and Protection Method that Caused some issues.

Version 2.0.2:
- Target framework changed to .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Added Text Find/Search for Debug Form.
- New Config Encryption key, v2.0.2 Encrypted Configs cannot be loaded on lower versions.
- Fixed Load Combo List Error due to low-length Combo file path (<= 70)
- Thread's Debug Logs Full Screen Availability

Version 2.1:
- Added FAST Javascript Executor Function, 'JSExecute'. NOTE: Be aware of High CPU usage which Depends on your Javascript Code too, High amount of Threads can cause a Crash.
- Proxyless Configs will wait for 'UnbanAllProxiesWhenAllBannedAfter' minutes on a Ban Condition.

Version 2.1.1:
- Fixed Start button not working issue related to Windows language, Thanks to @Centuri
- Fixed Online Stormers, You was getting flagged as Offline after few minutes which resulted lower "Online Stormers" Since STORM 2.0!
- Fixed the Design of Debug Form > Page 2
- Better Thread Status if the Config threw an Unhandled Exception!

Version 2.2:
- Added Brotli Decompression! You can now use "br" in your "Accept-Encoding" Header
- Added 'CustomSaveFormat' General Section Config Key, No more "========" in Save Format if you set it to True.
- Switched the Target CPU to x86
- Uses the most best and powerful Syntax Editor instead of AvalonEdit (The Syntax Highlighting is not yet implemented).
- Listboxes on "Stats And Lists" Page (Hits, Free and Unknown) will not keep items more than 1000, Oldest item will be removed from the list if the checker got a new item (To Prevent Memory Leak).
- Fixed Memory Leak and Crashes due to OutOfMemoryException.
- Changed the DB Engine To SQLite because of OutOfMemoryExceptions of LiteDB, That was unable to handle files larger than 1.5 GB aswell.

Version 2.2.1:
- Fixed issue with Encrypted Configs and the Configs WITHOUT Debug Enabled!
- Fixed a bug that was causing "Failed to connect! bad proxy/connection/host." in some special hosts (Since STORM 2.0)
- Switched back the DB Engine to LiteDB, A new way of implementation, By the tests i made, it works 20X better than SQLite in multi read/writes.

- Fixed issue with Encrypted Configs and the Configs WITHOUT Debug Enabled!

Version 2.3:
- The Variable System now Supports different Type of values and not only string anymore, it makes me able to make more flexible and better functions!
- Added "Loop-Condition"! Let's Loop through the Stage till you like! Get the Loop Counter by $CurLoop# Variable!
- Added a Catched Exception message to the next line of "Failed to connect! bad proxy/connection/host." message, more detailed info.
- Added RegexEx, RegexExAdd, RegexExPropertiesSetter and RegexExPrint Functions!
- Added JsonSerialize, CharCodeAt Functions!
- Added Stats of the Donation Goal and "Donate Now" Button to the About tab, But Clicking to the Donation Goal message also will do the same ;)
- Fixed a very rare Stack Empty Config Error due to the Variables which Starts with the same chars as the available Operators (Like $Order variable)
- Performance Improvements.

Version 2.3.1:
- Fix the "Unhandled Config Exception... Index Out of Range" Error for most of configs (or all)
- Fix the wrong "Variable has been used but never Declared!" while using RegexExAdd. (just forget to update the log after all the changes i made for the Loop-Condition)

Version 2.4:
- The most light-weight and fast Connection library in the house, coded from Scratch for STORM!
- New connection library includes the fix of failing on requesting to some hosts/link and the issue with some Socks5 in some rare links.
- Supports Your own Order for Cookie and Content-Length in headers, Put an Asterisk char (*) after Cookie or Content-Length to put the value in the same place as you specified, e.g: Content-Length: *
- Performance Improvements.
- Memory Optimizations.
- Platform target changed to Any CPU, 64-bit Operating Systems, x64-based processors can now use more and more memory (RAM) and hopefully, no more OutOfMemoryExceptions!!
- Added Automatic memory optimization/cleanup.
- Added a simple Messagebox to ask if You're sure that you want to close STORM!
- Added "Sleep", "Reverse" function!
- Fixed the Failed to Connect error message for some hosts on Windows 7!
- Fixed the Rare Crash while Scrolling Down the "Stats & Lists" page Lists!
- Fixed FollowRedirect cannot redirect on some type of redirect urls!
- Fix The Crash error due to having Multiple lines with the same File:\\ name in the Config while loading it!
- Removed the "MatchEx found" Messagebox!
- TODO: FTP Client is not yet implemented on the new Connection library, so you cannot use FTP feature yet.

Version 2.4.1:
- Added a MessageBox Error that Notice you if the Config that you're loading has errors (Like Duplicate Variables/Stages!)!
- Added "HTMLEncode", "HTMLDecode" Functions
- Made Some changes to the Proxy Usage
- Fix The issue with having Content-Length/Cookie in Headers to Send Variable (Double Content-Length/Cookie headers was being sent)
- Fix The issue with Custom Port URLs!
- Fix The issue with Cookies in Redirects
- Fix The issue with "Copy All Data" / "Save All Data" buttons in Lists! (Was Copying/Saving the Shortened Capture)

- Fixed Dispose of Connection Client was causing Login issues on some sites/scripts (Since 2.4.1)

- Fixed the Connection Library Failed to Connect issue on some special SSL sites since v2.4.1.1!
- Fixed The Host header in Follow Redirects if you had the Host in headers variable (Will detect the new host of the redirect address).
- Fixed Content-Type in headers was being sent in Follow Redirects in case of that you had set Content-Type in headers variable.

Version 2.5:
- Added FTP Support once again, But this time more light-weight and optimized!
- Added 'Tested Per Minute', 'Total Threads' and 'Total Loaded Combo' Stats.
- Added "HMACSHA1", "HMACSHA384", "HMACSHA512", "HMACMD5" and "HMACRIPEMD160" support for PBKDF2 Hashing. (The Function name also has been changed from "pbkdf2hmacsha256" to "pbkdf2hmac")
- Added 'GetBytes', 'GetString', 'AES', 'RSAParameters' and 'RSA' Functions.
- Added 'Base64' option for 'SHA' and 'HMAC' Hashing methods.
- 'Base64Encode' And 'Base64Decode' Functions now Supports Byte Arrays Inputs!
- Fixed a very rare "It's time to wait for data from the HTTP server" message on some special pages!
- Fixed the Proxy Authorization was being ignored.
- Fixed an OLD Bug behind the FTP Stages!
- Fixed the worker list position cannot go higher than 4,000,000 and stops at 4 Million list position.
- Fixed a very rare Redirect Location issue (Like the Origin's SelfLocation header Redirect Infinite Loop)!
- Fixed the Debug Window keeps sending requests in redirect loops even while you have the window closed!
- Fixed the "Cookie: *" functionality.
- Removed the Junk MessageBox on "Delete" button in Debug Form.

Version 2.5.1:
- Added "HEX" and "Bytes" Support for "RSA" and "AES" functions output type.
- Fixed Double "Cookie: " was being sent while you had the cookies in Headers Variable.
- Fixed the "URLEncode"/"URLDecode" function not encoding/decoding some special chars.


- Added Exception Handling Globally, Log files created but no more crashes! ( Read more: )

Guzel haber arkadaslar simdik cloudflare destekliyor Storm yazilim :)


Yukleme link:



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UyduPortaL Üye
18 Şub 2020
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  • Fastocr Confing Paylaşım
  • Lütfen Javascript'i etkinleştirin!Javascript'i etkinleştirin!
  • Fastocr Openbullet Sentry Mba Paylaşım Dükkanı
  • Lütfen Javascript'i etkinleştirin!Javascript'i etkinleştirin!
  • Fastocr Confing Paylaşım
  • Lütfen Javascript'i etkinleştirin!Javascript'i etkinleştirin!